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How to Enhance Breast Size? Find the Best Natural Breast Enhancement Pills!

    Breast Development

    For years, all young and adult women have suffered from having small breasts, which often leads to low self-confidence. It is well known that self-confidence is the best cosmetic cure in the world. When a woman possesses more self-confidence, she will be more likely to become successful in both personal and in business affairs.

    When a young woman reaches her puberty, her breast development begins by getting hormone signals from the body's pituitary gland. This breast enhancement process does not continue forever and usually by the age of 20 breast development stops. If a woman desires to develop better and bigger breast, she starts thinking about breast enhancement. Breast enhancement solutions used to require expensive and often dangerous cosmetic surgery. Nowadays, this is no longer a must.

    Breast Enhancement

    The truth is, woman's breast size play one of the most important roles in her sexual life and can be considered as a part of her femininity. Small breasts can even ruin all sex life and relationship. Yes, another truth is, men do like bigger breasts.

    If a woman is endowed with a natural "perfect" bust line, she is likely to be successful. But many, many women wish their breasts were bigger or better shaped in some way. It can be the small breast size that bothers them most. It can be sagging breasts which is not so sexually attractive. Even if a woman has an average breast size, she may find her breasts diminish in size after pregnancy or as they age. Women with small breasts often suffer emotional problems that persist throughout their lives.

    There is a widespread misunderstanding that women start breast enhancement routines simply to attract and please men. This is not the #1 reason for breast enhancement. Most women do breast enhancement for their own sake. Numerous scientific studies, reviews and researches have revealed that women want breast enhancement to improve their self-esteem.

    CosmopolitanCosmopolitan discovers the main reasons for breast enhancement:
    • Breast enhancement procedure to enlarge breasts
    • Improving the appearance and breast size that have drooped or lost volume following pregnancy or breastfeeding
    • Correcting a birth defect, such as asymmetry or different-sized breasts

    Breast Enhancement Methods

    Generally speaking, woman has two breast enhancement methods available:
    • Breast surgery
    • Natural breast enhancement pills

    Breast Surgery

    Implants and surgery are a dangerous breast enhancement method because a woman presents her body with foreign material that can cause life altering ailments, including cancer, immune deficiency, and other life-threatening concerns. As with any surgery, there are risks and specific complications associated with breast surgery. More than 1 out of 4 women who have breast surgery will experience long term problems.

    CNNCNN — Silicone breast implants leaked after the breast surgery in two-thirds of women who participated in a study carried out by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In the study, 67% of 405 women who had reported no symptoms of illness or problems with their implants were found to have at least one ruptured implant, as determined by magnetic-resonance imaging.
    The most common problem of surgical breast enhancement, capsular contracture, occurs if the scar or capsule around the implant begins to tighten. This squeezing of the soft implant can cause pains in the breast. Although doctors can treat capsular contracture, this often means removal or replacement of the breast implant.

    Breast enhancement surgery is a surgical procedure and can cause excessive bleeding, swelling and pain. If excessive bleeding continues, another surgical procedure may be needed to control the bleeding and remove the accumulated blood.

    A few women also develop an infection around an implant. This may occur at any time later after the breast enhancement surgery, but is most often seen within a week. In some cases, the breast implants may need to be removed for several months until the infection clears. Then, another breast enhancement surgery is required to place implants back. It will cost you more $$$ and still has potential side effects.

    FDAFood and Drug Administration: saline-filled implants break open at "alarmingly high" rates and require women to undergo repeated breast surgeries.

    Up to 27 percent of the breast implants were removed within three years of breast enhancement surgery, most because patients suffered painful scar tissue, an infection, or the implant broke and leaked, FDA officials said.

    Natural Breast Enhancement Pills

    Breast enhancement pills have proven to be a painless, non-invasive alternative to breast enhancement surgery. More and more women are using breast pills to have firmer, fuller breasts. Breast enhancement pills safely stimulate mammarial tissue growth without promoting milk production.

    Breast enhancement pills work by stimulating the unique prostaglandin substance found in large quantities in the most teenage girls' breast cells. The amount of prostaglandin produced defines the eventual breast size. Once the teenage years are over, unless the breast prostaglandin is re-stimulated by breast enhancement, the breast will not enlarge any further. However, it was found that breast prostaglandin can be stimulated again and again using the herbal ingredients contained in the Breast Enhancement Pills capsules.

    Breast enhancement pills let you get more out of your breast size to get more out of your sex life. Natural breast pills is the non surgical breast enhancement method preferred by women all over the world. Breast enhancement pills are safe and affordable.

    Breast Enhancement Results

    Most women experience a noticeable increase in fullness and toning in the breast area. Women with a smaller breast size of "A or B" report an increase of one to two breast sizes after 3 months of taking breast enhancement pills. Results may vary due to differences in individual metabolism and body chemistry.

    Side Effects

    Because breast pills are natural herbal supplements you should not have any side effects. However, if a woman is pregnant, lactating, breast feeding, or allergic to any of the ingredients, she should not use breast enhancement pills. If you suspect you have or might have special medical conditions which can be affected by breast enhancement pills, you should consult your physician before.

    Breast Enhancement Without Surgery

    Many women think that breast surgery is faster, more reliable, more effective way to enlarge their busts. This is true, when taking breast pills, it takes some time before you see the first results. If you choose breast surgery, you can have bigger breasts immediately! However, there are too many side effects in breast surgery that you shouldn't ignore.

    FDAU.S. Food and Drug Administration warns about breast surgery side effects. For more information about breast surgery side effects you may want to read these FDA articles:

    Before you decide to go for the breast enlargement procedure, you must be aware of the risks and side effects of it. Please continue reading and check our step-by-step guide that will help you learn all aspects of breast enlargement without surgery.

    Breast Enlargement Without Surgery: Step-by-Step Guide

    Despite the increase in breast augmentations in recent years, the number of women who were not happy with the outcomes of breast augmentation has increased, too. There are multiple reasons that can explain the increase in the number of dissatisfied patients.

    This is why we decided to create this short step-by-step guide that will explain how to enlarge female breasts without side effects of breast augmentation surgery.

    1. Find out why you want to increase breast size.

    This is one of the most important steps in your breast enlargement task list. Before starting your breast enlargement routine, you need to realize why you want to increase the size of your breasts. If the real reason behind this goal is someone's else desire, then you may probably need to avoid this kind of procedure.

    The real reason behind most of these procedures is to make a woman feel more attractive. Women are more self-conscious about how their bodies look than men. If you truly believe that breast enlargement will make you more self-confident, then you should consider breast enlargement options.

    2. Measure your breast.

    Learn how to measure breast size. While this might sound simple, breast measurement is not that easy. Defining your current breast size should be one of the first steps in your breast enlargement journey. In order to find out your breast size, you should learn these 3 steps:
    1. Measure your band size. Use a measuring tape and put it around your body, horizontally, and place it directly beneath your breast. This is your band size.
    2. Hold the measuring tape securely parallel to the floor by wrapping it over your back at the band line and measure around the broadest region of your chest. This is your bust size.
    3. Now, in order to find out your breast size, or cup size, subtract band size from bust size. Each one inch difference means one cup. For example, 1 inch means you have A cup, 2 inches means you have B cup, then C, D, DD, etc.

    3. Review your breast shape.

    Breast size and shape are determined by many factors. It is common to think that the bigger your breasts, the more pretty you would look. However, in many cases women are unhappy with their breasts shape, not breast size.

    And the truth is, they need to improve the form of their sagging breasts instead of increasing the size of them. In this case, it would be enough to choose a breast lifting cream that will improve the appearance of female breasts caused by aging, pregnancy, weight loss, as well as other factors.

    4. Consider side effects of breast augmentation.

    Although we cannot ignore the drawbacks of breast enlargement surgery, many women still think this is the best breast enlargement technique. A lot of women don't really understand all possible side effects of breast enlargement surgery. Many of them think breast enlargement is a quick and reliable option to improve their lives.

    However, after taking a look at breast enlargement surgery side effects, you will understand how wrong you are about this procedure. Some of them are:
    1. Unnatural appearance after breast augmentation.
    2. Asymmetry
    3. Breast implants leakage.
    4. Pains, hematoma and discomfort.
    5. Breast tissue Atrophy
    6. Inflammation, irritation, infection, including toxic shock syndrome
    7. Necrosis
    8. Sensation changes in breast and nipples
    9. And so on...

    5. Review natural methods of breast enlargement.

    There are natural methods of breast enlargement that can be used by every woman to increase the size of her breasts. Natural breast enlargement methods are safe for everyone, as they have no side effects. They can be safely practiced after pregnancy, breast-feeding, and after weight loss.

    However, breast enlargement with natural techniques requires patience and consistency to see results. It will take some time to see your breasts become bigger, but if you practice it day by day, you will be able to see some results after 3 to 6 months.

    These natural methods include: breast and chest exercises, breast lifting creams, and natural breast enlargement pills. The effectiveness of each method is different, and some methods work well for some people. It depends on you. Therefore, do your research and choose the right method for yourself.

    Best Natural Breast Enhancement Pills

    Unlike breast surgery, breast pills do not have all those horrible side effects: infections, cancer, immune deficiency, bleeding, swelling and pain. This is why we recommend only natural breast enhancement pills:

    Show Recommended Products
    1. Healthline Media: Average Breast Size
    2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons: Risks of Breast Augmentation
    3. Psychology Today: Breast-Enlarging Herbs
    4. VeryWellHealth: Natural Breast Enlargement Pills Use and Safety
    Last Updated: 2025-02-27