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How to Treat Hearing Loss and Prevent Deafness? Find Natural Products for Hearing Loss Treatment
How to Cure Deafness Naturally?
The best natural products to stop hearing loss are:- #1 Biogetica Tinnitease, 94 points out of 100. Order Biogetica Tinnitease
- #2 CognitiveFactors, 71 points out of 100. Order CognitiveFactors
What is Hearing Loss?
You probably know what we mean when we talk about hearing - but most people have no immediate clue as to what hearing loss is. People do not know what the hearing loss causes are or what they can do to prevent deafness.Someone struggling with deafness may hear nothing at all, or may only be able to hear some sounds. When talking about hearing disorders, people occasionally refer to it as hard of hearing, deafness, or deaf.

There are three parts of the ear (inner, middle, and outer ear) that can have problems. Hearing loss, otherwise known as hearing impairment, occurs when the part of the brain that controls hearing, the nerves coming from the ears, or one or more parts of the ear or ears have problems. Simply put, it means that our hearing is not working as well as it should, or working at all.
Symptoms of Hearing Loss
What are some of the hearing loss symptoms that you should be aware of so you can avoid some of the complications of hearing loss? There are several deafness symptoms that you should be aware of:- Difficulty understanding words - This is especially true when you are standing in a crowd or are somewhere with a lot of background noise. The hearing disorder makes it hard for people to focus if there is more than one sound that draws their attention.
- Trouble hearing consonants
- Asking others to speak more loudly or more clearly - This is often because people are unable to hear someone clearly because of their deafness
- Turning up the volume on the radio or the television
- Avoiding social settings and conversations - If you have hearing loss, there is a good chance that you are going to avoid certain social settings because of the discomfort and frustration of having to ask people to repeat themselves continuously.
Causes of Hearing Loss
Before we understand the hearing loss causes, we have to understand how we hear. The ear consists of three major areas as previously discussed. Sound waves can go through the outer ear, which causes vibrations at the eardrum. The three small bones of the middle ear and eardrum then enhance the vibrations as they head towards the inner ear.Once there, the vibrations move through the fluid in the cochlea (a snail-shaped structure in the inner ear). Onwards to the actual hearing loss causes:
- Ruptured eardrum - You can cause your eardrum to rupture (and thus affect your hearing) through infection, poking your eardrum with an object, sudden changes in pressure, or loud blasts of noise.
- Abnormal bone growths or tumors or ear infection - These can occur in the middle and outer ear and are all able to cause deafness.
- A gradual buildup of earwax - It is possible for earwax to block the ear canal, thus preventing the conduction of sound waves. It is possible to restore your hearing by hearing the earwax removed.
Risk Factors for Hearing Loss
If you want to avoid deafness and other complications of hearing disorders, you probably want to avoid the risk factors for hearing loss. By understanding the risk factors for hearing problems, you have a better idea of how to prevent deafness.These are a few of the more common risk factors for ear problems:
- Aging - Over time, the inner ear structures start to degenerate.
- Heredity - Deterioration from aging or ear damage from sound may increase because of your genetic makeup.
- Exposure to loud noises - It is possible to damage the cells of your inner ear if you are often exposed to loud sounds. This can be a short blast of noise (an explosion or gunshot) or long-term exposure to loud noise (such as music or a machine).
- Certain illnesses - There are certain illnesses that result in high fever, this can damage the cochlea.
- Recreational noises - There are recreational activities that come with dangerously high noise levels. These include listening to loud music, motorcycling or snowmobiling.
- Certain types of medication - There are specific drugs that can damage the inner ear. These include certain chemotherapy drugs, sildenafil (Viagra) and the antibiotic gentamicin.
Complications of Hearing Loss
If you have partial deafness, it is much harder to diagnose than profound deafness. Oftentimes hearing disorder comes on gradually and people become used to it. This can lead to further complications of hearing loss. You start becoming accustomed to asking people to repeat themselves, you notice that the volume on the television is a little higher than it used to be. Those are all some of the first deafness symptoms.
High frequencies are often the first facets to become affected with age-related deafness. Because their voices are higher pitched, it may mean that you have a harder time understanding children and women. Similar sounds become difficult to differentiate.
One of the worst complications of hearing disorders is the fact that is can have a negative impact on the quality of life. This is why it is important to focus on the risk factors for deafness and address any possible symptoms of hearing problems as early as you can.
How to Diagnose Hearing Loss
By using an otoscope (the little handheld instrument that has a light source on it) a physician may first examine the ear to check for an ear infection and ensure that the ear canal is not blocked. A doctor may try to determine whether the hearing loss is sensorineural or conductive.From there it is possible to use an electronic device to measure hearing loss. There are many different tests available to track down the cause of the deafness and measure how serious the effects are.
It is possible to determine whether a tumor is the cause of the problem by pressing against the auditory (hearing) nerve. This is done through a computerized tomography (CT) scan or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. It is important to discuss possible hearing disorders with your physician as quickly as you can to ensure that you avoid any complications of hearing issues.
How to Treat Hearing Loss?
The most important thing to know if you have any of the hearing loss symptoms is the fact that help is available. Depending on the severity and cause of your hearing problems there are alternative options available. This can range from surgery all the way to medications for deafness to natural products for hearing loss treatment. Not all causes can be treated, but an earwax blockage is one of those examples where it is possible to reverse one of the causes and deal with the symptoms.Surgical procedures
There are specific types of hearing that can be addressed through surgery. If the deafness causes are attributed to abnormalities of the bones of hearing (ossicles) or eardrum, it is possible that surgery would be able to restore hearing almost completely or at least partly.One of the problems with surgery (as with any surgery) is that there are is always a level of risk involved. Surgery could be very painful to recover from and a permanent scar may be visible. This is often why this is only a solution for very specific types of hearing disorders that cannot be restored another way.
Hearing aids
If you have damage to your inner ear, it may be possible to resolve some of the problems of your hearing with a hearing aid. Even though these have become increasingly small over time, they are constantly visible (which can lead to a social stigma and uncomfortable questions) and they are only a solution as long as the person is actually wearing the hearing aid. Given the discomfort and the costs associated with getting a hearing aid, it is understandable that most people would prefer to avoid this option if there are other alternative choices.Cochlear implants
While the cochlear implant surgery is traditionally very safe, it cannot be overstated that any type of surgery is going to come with a number of risks. This may include infections, bleeding, side effects from being anesthetized.
Having said that, there is a wide range of side effects that may occur, including numbness around the ear, tinnitus, attacks of vertigo and dizziness, meningitis, and injury to the facial nerve. These are just a few of the reasons (in addition to the cost associated with the procedure) that may persuade people to look for alternative options.
Natural Products for Hearing Loss Treatment
If you want to know how to treat hearing loss and want to have an alternative to some of the medications for deafness, using natural products for hearing loss treatment could be the alternative that you are looking for. These natural herbal remedies are guaranteed to be 100 percent safe and non-addictive. They help to balance the inner, middle and outer ears and improve overall ear health.If you notice that you have some of the symptoms of ear problems and want to consider natural products for hearing loss treatment, it is always good to talk to a physician beforehand to make sure that you do not suffer complete deafness and avoid further complications of hearing disorders.
If you want some advice on finding the best natural hearing aids and treatments, there are options that we can highly recommend:
- Biogetica Tinnitease — 94 pts.
- CognitiveFactors — 71 pts.

Guarantee: Simply try Biogetica Tinnitease for at least 90 days. If you are not completely satisfied - for any reason - return the product for a complete refund less shipping fees.
Biogetica Tinnitease Ingredients: Valeriana Officinalis 2X; Citricum Acidum 3X; Potassium Bitartrate 3X; Rauwolfia Serpentina 6X; Allium Sativum 6X; Montana 3X; Hydrocoytle Asiatica 3X; Ambra Grisea 12X; Cocculus Indicus 12X;Argentum Nitricum 12X; Conium Maculatum 12X; Lac Caninum 12X; Theridion 18X; Ear 5X, 6X, 12X, 30X, 60x, 100x; Eye 5X, 6X, 12X, 30X, 60x, 100x; Sinus 5X, 6X, 12X, 30X, 60x, 100x.
Why #1? Biogetica Tinnitease is believed to optimize the functioning of ears, reduce ear discomfort and irritation, and help stimulate the overall immune system. The products in this kit traditionally believed to work by strengthening the muscles and ligaments in the ear; helping drain excess fluid from the ears; normalizing pressure in the ears. Biogetica Tinnitease is available without a prescription and because it is completely natural, are going to offer results without side effects.
Order Biogetica Tinnitease

Money Back Guarantee: Returns will only be accepted within 30 days of receipt by the customer. Unopened products returned in original, sealed packaging will receive a 100% credit. Opened products (or any damaged products or products with damaged seals) will receive a 50% credit, up to a maximum of 1 open bottle per product sku.
CognitiveFactors Ingredients: Vinpocetine, Ginkgo biloba Extract, Hypoallergenic plant fiber (cellulose) vegetarian capsule (cellulose water).
Why not #1? CognitiveFactors is not formulated to specifically cure hearing loss. Money-back guarantee is only 30 days. Only unopened products receive a full refund.
Order CognitiveFactors
How to Prevent Deafness
When it comes to knowing how to prevent deafness, it is important to know that prevention is always better than the cure. You can avoid a number of the risk factors for hearing disorders by paying attention to the underlying steps:- Avoid loud noises - It is a good idea to protect your ears. The best protection is always going to be limiting the duration and intensity of exposure to loud noises. You can protect your ears from damaging noise with glycerin-filled earmuffs or plastic earplugs in the workplace. This is also important when it comes to listening to music, because the influx of MP3 players and smartphone users means that more and more people are continuously exposed to loud noises.
- Getting your hearing tested - If you work in a noisy environment, it is a good idea to get regular hearing tests. You can take steps to prevent further deafness if you know you have lost some of your hearing already.
- Avoid any recreational risk - You can damage your hearing over time by listening to loud concerts, using power tools, or riding a snowmobile for example. Turning down the volume is always a good idea and limit your exposure will also benefit you.
Best Natural Products for Hearing Loss Treatment
How to cure deafness? We recommend the best natural treatment for deafness and hearing loss:- #1 Biogetica Tinnitease, 94 points out of 100. Order Biogetica Tinnitease
- #2 CognitiveFactors, 71 points out of 100. Order CognitiveFactors
- National Institutes of Health: Hearing, Ear Infections, and Deafness
- Hearing Loss Association of America: Hearing Loss Basics
- National Health Service: Cochlear implant surgery - risks
Last Updated: 2023-07-03