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How to Prevent Common Cold and Flu? Find the Best Natural Products for Common Cold and Flu Treatment
How to Prevent Common Cold and Flu?
How to prevent common cold and flu? We recommend the following natural products:- #1 MushroomDefense: 94 points out of 100. Order MushroomDefense
- #2 Biogetica ImmunityCM: 83 points out of 100. Order Biogetica ImmunityCM
Common Cold
Though generally people with weakened immune systems, children and the elderly are susceptible to common cold the most, it may also occur in people of any age. Thus, an average child may have 6 to 10 common colds a year, and an adult from 2 to 4. Despite the fact that common cold requires no special therapy, it is currently a major reason for visiting a doctor.
Sneezing, sore throat, a stuffy nose, coughing - everyone knows the symptoms of the common cold. It is probably the most common illness. In the course of a year, people in the United States suffer 1 billion common colds.
You can get a cold by touching your eyes or nose after you touch surfaces with common cold germs on them. You can also inhale the germs. Symptoms usually begin 2 or 3 days after infection and last 2 to 14 days. Washing your hands and staying away from people with common colds will help you avoid colds.
Flu (Influenza)
The flu is the common word influenza virus is dubbed. While antibiotics are generally useless in treating the flu, there are flu shots as well as new antiviral medications (like Tamiflu to name one) that help make the disease less severe and longstanding.Being a lot like a common cold, the flu causes, as a rule, considerably more severe symptoms. Every year 5-20% of the American population suffer from the flu of various degrees of severely up to being fatal.
Common Cold or Flu? Symptoms
With such symptoms as pounding headache, fever, cough and runny nose it's pretty hard to figure out if it is a common cold or the flu.Rather than breaking out suddenly, a common cold develops gradually, usually during a day or two. Its most common symptoms are sneezing, running nose, coughing and the feeling of tiredness. In case of having a fever, which is not very often, the temperature will go just a bit higher than normal. The usual duration of a common cold is 3 to 4 days, but it can hang around for as long as 10 to 14 days, too.
Contrary to common cold, flu hits hard and suddenly, making you feel tired and week and causing a fever of up to 40 C high. Other most commonly encountered symptoms are joint and muscle aches, feeling cold and chilly, sore throat and severe headache. The condition is so severe getting out of bed or off a couch becomes quite a challenge. The fever may last up to five days but the weakness and feeling of tiredness may linger for 2-3 weeks.

One-third of Britons think flu is just a bad common cold, but each year thousands of people die of complications following flu.
Common colds and flu share some of the same symptoms (sneezing, coughing, sore throat), but are caused by different viruses. Flu can be much more serious than a common cold.
Causes of Common Cold
Among the variety of viruses that cause common cold, coronavirus, rhinovirus and coxsackievirus are the most commonly occurring types.Thus, being contagious, common cold can be contracted by both air and touch: by inhaling the droplets of virus that get released into the air after one sneezes or coughs, or by touching one's own mouth, eyes or an open wound after having contacted with a person or objects infected by a common cold.
Causes of Flu
Influenza spreads by droplets released into the air from the nose and mouth when a person with the flu coughs or sneezes. These droplets also get onto objects around the person, as well as onto those he/she touches. The virus spreads when people contact with such objects or breathe these droplets.The flu can be spread from 1 day before symptoms appear to 5 days after becoming sick. It is possible to spread the flu before you even know you have it.
How to Prevent Common Cold and Flu?
Though impossible to escape colds altogether, the following measures can reduce the risk and frequency of having them and prevent common cold and flu:- Frequent Washing of Hands
This is the crucial thing you can do to defend yourself from a great many of diseases. Washing your hands frequently you will reduce the risk of bacteria and viruses being transmitted to you. - Flu Vaccines
The flu can also be successfully prevented by nasal as well as traditional vaccines. Even though they cannot guarantee 100% of effectiveness, the protection against the virus of influenza provided by flu shots is very good. There are groups of people at risk who are strongly recommended to get flu shots, since the complications the disease may cause will be very hard to deal with. - Staying Healthy Around Sick People
You are encountering an increased risk of getting the flu when being around sick people at home or at work. As a rule, you have little if any control over such situations, but there are a few steps you can take to protect yourself and stay germ free.

More than 200,000 people in the United States are hospitalized from flu-related complications each year, including 20,000 children younger than age 5.
Flu-associated deaths number in the thousands each year. Between 1976 and 2006, the estimated number of flu-related deaths every year ranged from about 3,000 to about 49,000.
Common Cold Treatment
Generally not lasting long, common colds need no specific therapy other than vaporizers and decongestant rubs or other simple measures like these. The only medication that may be effective in common colds and the flu are painkillers, with antibiotics being of no benefit. Echinacea and zinc supplements also may help shorten the duration of common cold and may work as common cold treatments.Flu Treatment
You can manage influenza with pretty much the same treatments, complemented by more rest, more fluids consumed to avoid dehydration, as well as with medications to bring down fever. For immunocompromised people or those at high risk of flu complications there are special antiviral treatments as well.
Natural Common Cold and Flu Treatments
Along with practicing these healthy approaches to improve your immune system, you should make efforts to eliminate such habits, harmful for the immune system, as smoking and drinking, as well as should try to avoid daily stress as much as possible. And remember, the stronger your immune system is, the better it will defend your body against viruses and diseases.We can recommend the following natural common cold and flu treatments that may help you prevent common cold and flu:
- MushroomDefense — 94 pts.
- Biogetica ImmunityCM — 83 pts.

MushroomDefense is backed by our rock-solid, 67-day, money-back guarantee.
Ingredients of MushroomDefense: Cordyceps Sinensis, Reishi, Shiitake, Lion' Mane, Maitake, Turkey Tail, Chaga, Royal Sun Agaricus, White Button, Black Fungus.
Why #1? Studies show the ingredients in MushroomDefense act as powerful immune booster, that exhibits strong antiviral action against all types of common cold and flu symptoms.
Order MushroomDefense

Biogetica ImmunityCM Guarantee: Simply try a product for at least 30 days. If you are not completely satisfied - return the product for a complete refund less shipping fees.
Ingredients of Biogetica ImmunityCM: Echinacea, Schisandra Berry, Rosemary, Eleuthero, and Mistletoe.
Why not #1? Biogetica ImmunityCM can only temporarily support immune system.
Order Biogetica ImmunityCM
Immune System
When constantly battling such harmful health habits as little sleep, poor diet and plenty of stress, immune cells lose a part of their protective effects. This is the reason why doctors strongly recommend the following changes in lifestyle to support your immune system and prevent common cold and flu.Improve your sleeping habits by getting plenty of sleep regularly. Insufficient amount of sleep makes immune protection weaker. In order to boost its defenses your body needs adequate rest every night. Seven to eight hour sleep will successfully support due immune function.
Introduce moderate exercising (3 or 4 times a week) into your routine, but avoid overtraining or working out too much in order not to run your immune system down.
Improve your diet by eating healthier foods which can help enhance the immune system. Particularly important are fruits like berries, which are rich in antioxidants and support the weakened immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids and foods containing omega-3 are a natural way of boosting the immune system, protecting the body from the attacks of diseases and viruses on its immune system. Red wine - with its anti-aging effects, provided by resveratrol found in grape skins - is another product your health may benefit greatly from.
Best Natural Products for Common Cold and Flu Treatment
We recommend only the best common cold and flu treatment products to support immune system naturally:- #1 MushroomDefense: 94 points out of 100. Order MushroomDefense
- #2 Biogetica ImmunityCM: 83 points out of 100. Order Biogetica ImmunityCM
Last Updated: 2023-07-04