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Natural Treatment of Kidney Disease: How to Protect Kidneys Naturally and Support Kidney Health
How to Support Kidney Health?
The best supplements to support kidney function are:- #1 KidneySupport: 94 points out of 100. Order KidneySupport
- #2 Biogetica RenalHealth: 83 points out of 100. Order Biogetica RenalHealth
Kidneys. Importance of Kidney Health.
The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that can be found right below the ribcage at the back of the body, one either side of the spine. They are vital organs in the urinary system and play a key role in maintaining chemical and fluid balance in the body.Kidneys are mainly responsible for filtering blood to remove waste products, impurities and excess water. These waste products leave the kidneys, and later the body, as urine. This helps remove any toxins which could be harmful and keeps water, salts and minerals at manageable levels in the body.
Kidneys also produce hormones. These hormones control important bodily functions such as blood pressure regulation, red blood cell production, and vitamin D activation for healthy bones.
A person can become very unwell if their kidney health deteriorates. Damage to kidneys that stops them working as well as they should is also known as kidney disease.
What is Kidney Disease?
Kidney disease is the term used to cover all levels of kidney impairment, from mild abnormalities that show no symptoms to life-threatening conditions that have a significant impact on daily life. Chronic kidney disease is the most common form of kidney disease, particularly in older people. It is a long-term condition meaning kidney function may continue to gradually decline over time.
As chronic kidney disease is such a broad term, the disease is divided into several stages.
Stage 1 refers to a very small decline in kidney function and runs through to stage 5, complete kidney failure.
Different levels of kidney disease treatment are recommended at each stage.
Symptoms of Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease often does not cause any problems in the early stages as the body can generally cope with a reduction in kidney function up to a certain level. Many people do not experience any symptoms at all until the disease becomes more advanced.Symptoms of kidney disease associated with more advanced stages of kidney disease include:
- Fatigue, tiredness and generally low energy levels
- Swollen feet, ankles or hands and puffiness around the eyes
- Muscle cramping, particularly in the legs
- Nausea, feeling sick or vomiting
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Lack of appetite or weight loss
- Dry, scaly skin that is particularly itchy
- Noticeable changes in how much urine is being passed (for example, lots at night)
- Blood in the urine
Causes of Kidney Disease
Many different factors can cause problems with the kidneys. It is often a combination of different problems that lead to chronic kidney disease. Some kidney conditions run in families.
The most common causes of kidney disease are conditions that put the kidneys under strain. High blood pressure is one example. Over time, the increased pressure causes damage to the small blood vessels in the kidneys which carry the blood to be filtered. High cholesterol can also contribute to kidney damage as it causes fatty deposits to build up in the blood vessels supplying the kidneys.
Many other things can cause kidney health to decline, including medicines and drugs. Even readily available anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen can harm kidney health with long-term, regular use.
Kidney Disease Risk Factors
People with certain medical conditions have a far higher chance of developing kidney disease. These are known as risk factors. Some kidney disease risk factors to be aware of are:- Diabetes or a family history of diabetes
- High blood pressure (hypertension) or a family history of it
- A family history of heart disease
- A family history of chronic kidney disease
- Autoimmune disorders, such as lupus
- Older age
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Prolonged use of certain drugs or medications
- Chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Kidney stones
How to Diagnose Kidney Disease
A person in a high-risk group may be advised to have regular medical check-ups with a doctor. This helps to detect kidney disease early so effective treatment plans can be put into place.A doctor will typically diagnose and monitor kidney disease using tests on blood and urine. The presence of certain substances in these is an indicator that kidney function is declining.
- Urine test. This tests for the presence of a protein called albumin. A healthy kidney does not let albumin pass from blood to urine, but a damaged kidney will.
- Blood test. This tests the amount of creatine in the blood. Creatine is a waste product that should be filtered out of the blood if the kidneys are functioning properly.
Kidney Disease Treatment Options
There is always an underlying cause of kidney disease. Diabetes and high blood pressure are two of the main causes worldwide. Managing blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels are therefore usually the focus of most kidney disease treatment options.
The recommendations on how to support kidney health depend on the extent of kidney disease:
- Stages 1, 2 and 3: This is mild to moderate chronic kidney disease. Symptoms may or may not be present at this stage in the disease. Lifestyle changes, medication and supplements to support healthy kidney function may be used to prevent kidney function from worsening.
- Stage 4 and 5: This is advanced chronic kidney disease or kidney failure. Treatment methods such as dialysis, transplant or supportive care are the only effective options at this point.
Kidney Disease Medications
Kidney disease is not curable. However, careful control of the disease means symptoms can be managed. Certain medications can help to preserve kidney function and slow down the progression of kidney disease.
Two types of blood pressure medication used to slow kidney disease are ACE inhibitors and ARBs. These medicines are also prescribed to people who don't have high blood pressure to preserve kidney function for as long as possible. Other medications may be prescribed to lower cholesterol levels or control blood glucose levels. All of these have a common goal of treating the factors that cause the most damage to kidneys.
Dialysis and Kidney Disease
The kidneys can be close to failing or have already failed in late-stage kidney disease. At this point it is likely they are down to less than 10-20% of their working capacity and artificial help will be needed to filter the blood. This process is known as dialysis.Dialysis is one of the only options for late-stage kidney disease. Treatments available in these later stages include:
- Haemodialysis. This form of dialysis uses a machine to filter waste products and water out of the blood outside of the body.
- Peritoneal dialysis. This form of dialysis uses the membrane that lines the abdomen in place of the kidney to act as a filter for blood.
- Kidney transplant. In some cases, a donor kidney can be transplanted into the body to replace the diseased organ. Kidney transplants are not a viable option for everyone and there is a long waiting list worldwide.
Natural Treatment of Kidney Disease
If kidney disease is mild and detected early, it may be possible to protect kidneys naturally. Frequent urinary tract infections are a risk factor for kidney disease as they can cause infection which damages the kidneys. Many natural treatments or alternative remedies can be used to complement kidney medication and contribute to overall kidney health. Natural treatment of kidney disease can help reduce symptoms, avoid UTIs and improve kidney function.A wide range of natural products are available and are designed to be supplements to support healthy kidney function and improve quality of life. Many of these products contain herbal and botanical ingredients traditionally believed to offer natural kidney protection and support kidney health alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle.

As with any natural treatment options, a doctor or other healthcare provider should be consulted before use. Supplements should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or prescription medication.
Best Supplements for Kidney Health
As mentioned before, in case of early stages of kidney disease, natural treatment can be used to support kidney health and prevent further complications. Different supplements contain different active ingredients for supporting kidney function but we recommend these natural treatment options:- KidneySupport — 94 pts.
- Biogetica RenalHealth — 83 pts.

KidneySupport Guarantee: 30 Day. If you have not seen the results you were expecting or are not satisfied in any way, send then back your empty or partially used containers.
KidneySupport Formula: VitaCran (extract of whole cranberries), Birch Leaf, Java Tea, Goldenrod, Astragalus & Buchu Leaf.
Suggested Use: You should take 1 capsule of KidneySupport 1 to 2 times daily, preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Why #1? KidneySupport is a top-quality blend of herbal components that can nourish and support healthy kidneys. Many of the ingredients in KidneySupport have shown promise in supporting the kidneys themselves; these include Astragalus, Rutin and Juniper. Antioxidants are especially helpful to support the kidneys against oxidative stress.
Order KidneySupport

Biogetica RenalHealth Guarantee: Simply try Biogetica RenalHealth for at least 30 days. If you are not completely satisfied - for any reason - return the product for a complete refund less shipping fees.
Biogetica RenalHealth includes 5 products:
LHD ProHerb Diuretic contains the following ingredients: Senna Leaves 277mg Bark, Cascara Sagrada 65mg powder, Anise Seed 5mg powder, Licorice Root 5mg, Rhubarb Root 5mg.
HRD RenalFormula contains the following ingredients: Lycopodium Clavatum 2X. Rubia Tinctorum 1X. Urtica Urens 1X. Sarsaparilla 3X. Benzoicum Acidum 4X. Lithium Carbonicum 4X. Berberis Vulgaris 5X. Coccus Cacti 5X. Atropinum Sulphuricum 5X. Kidney 6X. Taraxacum Officinale 6X. Petroselinum Sativum 6X. Colocynthis 6X. Calcarea Carbonica 12X. Lapis Renalis 12X.
T13 KidneyLiquescence contains the following ingredients: Juniperus Communis 2X; Uva-Ursi 2X, 3X; Equisetum Hyemale 3X; Taraxacum Officinale 3X; Eupatorium Purpureum 3X; Cantharis 6X; Nitricum Acidum 8X; Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 8X. Potentized Bioenergetic Impressions with no actual molecules of: Kidney 3X, 6X, 12X; Bladder 3X, 6X.
C53 KidneyBalance PFormula contains the following ingredients: Kidney 6X, 12X. Phosphorus 12X. Ledum Palustre 12X. Albumin 12X, 30X.
C5 Inflammease contains the following ingredients: Bryonia Alba 3X; FerrumPhosphoricum 6X; Belladonna 6X; HeparSulphurisCalcareum 6X; ApisMellifica 6X; MercuriusSolubilis 9X; LachesisMutus 8X; Arsenicum Album 8X.
Why not #1? Biogetica RenalHealth is not a permanent cure. It's designed to temporarily relieve symptoms of frequent urination. Biogetica RenalHealth includes 5 remedies and it is a bit overpriced; other products offer the same advantages for a lower price.
Order Biogetica RenalHealth
How to Protect Kidneys Naturally and Prevent Kidney Disease
Leading a healthy lifestyle can help prevent many causes of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The following measures are recommended for natural kidney protection:- Eat a healthy diet. This means drinking a lot of water and eating predominantly nutrient-dense foods which are low in fat, salt and sugar but high in fibre.
- Exercise regularly. Exercise is key to lowering blood pressure and keeping the heart healthy as well as offering a means of keeping body weight under control.
- Quit smoking. Stopping smoking improves heart health, blood pressure and circulation as well as improving overall health and life expectancy.
- Take care with over-the-counter medications. Too many painkillers that contain aspirin or ibuprofen, for example, can cause damage to the kidneys.
- Reduce alcohol intake. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause health problems such as high blood pressure and heart disease which are kidney disease risk factors themselves.
Natural Treatment of Kidney Disease
How to protect kidneys naturally? The best supplements for natural kidney protection are:- #1 KidneySupport: 94 points out of 100. Order KidneySupport
- #2 Biogetica RenalHealth: 83 points out of 100. Order Biogetica RenalHealth
- National Kidney Foundation: About Chronic Kidney Disease
- Healthline: Kidney Health and Kidney Disease Basics
- WebMD: What Are the Treatments for Kidney Disease?
- HarvardHealth: Protect your kidneys
- The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Preventing Chronic Kidney Disease