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How to Get Rid of Head Lice? Natural Head Lice Treatment Products
How to Get Rid of Head Lice Naturally?
The best natural product to treat head lice:- #1 Licenex, 97 points out of 100. Order Licenex
Head Lice
Head lice are wingless parasitic insects that feed on human blood and spend their entire life cycle on the human scalp. The infestation of head lice is scientifically termed as pediculosis capitis, which differs from Pediculus schaeffi that infest the chimpanzees. Head lice infestation takes place when lice or their eggs are directly transferred from one person to another. They mostly affect children.Unlike the disease carrying body louse, head lice are not directly associated with bacterial and viral infections, but they are an indication of poor personal hygiene and unhealthy living environment leading to infectious diseases.
Head Lice Symptoms
Itching and discomfort are the main head lice symptoms, but sometimes you may not be even aware about these tiny parasites on your scalp. The common sign and symptoms of head lice infestation include:- Persistent itching on the scalp, neck and ear areas. This itching occurs due to allergies from the saliva of head lice. So, if you are not very allergic or get accustomed to louse saliva, you may not feel any itching or such itching and discomfort may disappear after two to six weeks of infestation.
- Visual appearance of head lice: Although head lice are tiny insects that move quickly and prefer to remain hidden within thick layers of hair, it is possible to visual spot them.
- Visual appearance of their eggs or nits on hair shafts: these nits are very tiny and mostly camouflaged to remain hidden, but you can easily spot them around the ears and neck hairlines.

Being equipped with the most adaptive camouflage, it is not possible to spot head lice at the first glance. They can be spotted only when you look closely. Broad daylight or the brightest lights within your home is a necessary condition to spot head lice. If you have eyesight issues, a magnifying glass can be very instrumental. Always wear disposable gloves to prevent any possible spread of head lice infestation.
In order to find or spot head lice, part the hair into small segments and look for lice and eggs in these segments. Be more careful around the top of the neck and ears because these locations are the common nesting areas.
Head Lice Causes
Head lice is not a flying insect. They crawl out to find a new host, but it has been observed that the static energy from brushing dry hair can help louse to jump or become airborne for short distances. However, direct transmission of lice and their eggs to another person though shared towels, combs or contact are the most common method of head lice infestation. This is the reason why children at school or members of the family are more likely to get lice infestations from other kids or members of the close group.
The head-to-head transmission mode of head lice makes play group kids and school going children highly vulnerable to head lice infestations. Studies reveal that lice infestations are more common in preschool and middle school children.
For example, if you share your school locker or hooks to store your hats, scarves or other items, lice infestation may become a very annoying reality.
How to Get Rid of Head Lice?
How to get rid of head lice? Natural head lice treatment products as well as pharmaceutical medications can be used to get rid of head lice. However, it's very important to carefully follow the instructions so that tiny head lice and their eggs are completely eradicated from the scalp. You can find several home remedies for preventing or curing head lice infestations, but their effectiveness is clinically not proven.Doctors mainly recommend OTC head lice treatment products to treat head lice. These medications are taken or applied on a schedule. The first application kills existing lice and some of their eggs and a second application is required to kill the hatched nymphs from the remaining eggs.
Appropriate timing of the second application is necessary to prevent any further laying of eggs by adult lice. Some studies have indicated that the ninth day from the first treatment is the ideal schedule for a second application, but there are head lice treatment products that recommend different schedule. You should consult your doctor for an ideal schedule related to the recommended medication.

Unfortunately, many OTC medications have become redundant due to resistant head lice in certain geographic regions. OTC medications may also fail when they are not used as recommended. In such cases, the doctors have no options but prescribe pharmaceutical medications.
- Benzyl alcohol (Ulesfia): the product works by cutting off the oxygen supply to head lice. Benzyl alcohol is not very toxic, but it can cause side effect like redness, rashes, and itching on the scalp. This medication may be used to disinfect medical devices, but clinical studies have confirmed that Benzyl alcohol is associated with seizures and other severe side effects in toddlers and therefore, this lice treatment is not recommended for infants less than six months.
- Malathion (Ovide): it's a very toxic medicine that can be used to treat lice infestations in people more than 6 years of age. The medicine is available as a medicated shampoo which is applied for at least 12 hours and rinsed thereafter. Due to its high alcohol content, this product is not suitable to be used with a hair dryer or near an open flame. Recently, the WHO has banned the use of Malathion for its toxic effects.
- Linden: this product is also available as a medicated shampoo and its side effects is even more severe. It can cause seizures as well. Due to its high toxicity, the Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings that Lindane should not be used if you are less than 110 pounds (50 kg.), pregnant, lactating, has a history of seizures in your family or suffering from HIV infection. The American Academy of Pediatrics has also recommended that this product should not be used on children.
Natural Head Lice Treatment Products
Using medications has been just like applying pesticides to the scalp. Unfortunately, many parents are not even aware that prescription medicines and medicated shampoos for lice treatment may actually contain higher amounts of poisonous substances than the pest killers. The medicated shampoos that claim to help you get rid of lice may be much closer to bug sprays. If you know the reality, you will hardly use them.The medications for treating lice may relieve you from one problem by eliminating the lice infestation, but they will create a new one by making your skin absorb toxic substances with severe side effects like redness, irritation, swelling, breathing difficulties, asthmatic attacks, vomiting, seizures and even deaths.
You will be surprised to know that natural head lice treatment products are very effective in eliminating acute lice infestations, and they even break the cycle of nits to prevent never ending cases of recurring infestations.
In fact, natural head lice treatment products are more effective than medications. You can rely on natural remedies for lice treatment and get very quick result without exposing your skin to toxins and pesticides. The natural head lice treatment products use the finest grades of essence and oils to relieve you from irritated and itchy scalp.
We found a natural remedy for head lice treatment that can be used to get rid of head lice without any side effects:
- Licenex — 97 pts.

Guarantee: 60 Days. If you have not seen the results you were expecting or are not satisfied in any way, send then back your empty or partially used containers.
Licenex Ingredients: Agaricus muscarius, Anacardium orientale, Apis mellifica, Bovista, Causticum, Graphites, Muriaticum acidum, Oleander, Pix liquida, Quassia amara 6X, Rhus toxicodendron, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Aloe vera, Anise oil, Neem oil.
Suggested Use: Apply 1/2 oz shampoo to pre-washed, towel-dried (damp) hair and scalp. After rinsing Licenex out of hair, apply hair conditioner to smooth out tangles. Next, comb through hair with the wide-toothed comb, removing tangles.
Order Licenex
How to Prevent Head Lice
Besides treating head lice infestations, preventive measures are very important in controlling the spread of lice among children, particularly in those who attend child care facilities, preschools, schools and other group activities. If the entire environment is not managed, you may find it very difficult to prevent recurring lice infestations.How to prevent head lice? Although indirect transmission is not very likely, the kid should be encouraged to place garments in separate lockers and use separate hooks to hang their hats or scarfs. It should be explained why the sharing of brushes, combs, hats, hats, scarves and even protective head gears for sporting events are not hygienic, and should be avoided.
Best Natural Products for Head Lice Treatment
How to get rid of head lice? The best natural head lice treatment product is:- #1 Licenex, 97 points out of 100. Order Licenex
Last Updated: 2023-07-04