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How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection? Natural Treatment for Candidiasis
Best Natural Treatment for Candidiasis
We recommend the best natural candidiasis treatment products:- #1 Biogetica MYCOFormula, 97 points out of 100. Order Biogetica MYCOFormula
- #2 Candidol, 91 points out of 100. Order Candidol
Yeast Infection
Yeast is a type of fungus, overgrowth of which in the body results in an infection. The most common type of yeast infection is Candidiasis. The number or Candida bacteria species reaches over 20, with Candida albicans being the most common among them. Under certain conditions these fungi, that inhabit all the surfaces of human body, can start growing in number and break out as an infection. It is moist and/or warm areas that are most commonly subject to such an outbreak. Some of the infections, caused by Candida bacteria, are vaginal yeast infections, diaper and skin rash, thrush (oral cavity tissue infection), and nailbed infections.Underarms are one of the most common areas subject to yeast infections. Our skin, as a rule, successfully blocks yeast, but a cut in the skin or a breakdown may open a gate for these bacteria to penetrate. The probability of oral yeast infections grow with the age. In adults yeast infections may occur around dentures, in nailbeds, under lower abdomen and the breast, as well as beneath any other skin folds. As a rule these varieties of candidal infections are superficial and easy to clear up.
The cases of systemic candidal disease - when the yeast infection spreads throughout the whole body - are rare, and in up to 75 percent of cases end up with death. Even such common varieties of Candidiasis as vaginal or mouth yeast infections can grow into a critical illness, resistant to common treatment.
Repeatedly occurring yeast infections may be a manifestation of a more serious disease like leukemia, diabetes or AIDS.

The effects of diabetes on the body becomes more obvious as time goes on. People who don't keep good control of their blood sugar may develop complications related to the constantly high levels. One complication is difficulty in fighting off infections, either bacterial or fungal.
Symptoms of Yeast Infection
It is the location of the candidal infection that determines its signs and symptoms.- The vaginal female yeast infection is in the form of white cheesy discharges. They typically cause irritation, burning and itching of the vagina and outer tissues surrounding it, as well as are the reason of painful sexual intercourse.
- Thrush (the term for oral candidiasis) is in the form of thick, white parches that have red bases, located anywhere inside the mouth: on palate, tongue, etc. These patches can be mistaken for milk curds with the only difference being that they are not easy at all to remove or wipe away.
- Candidal skin infections have the form of one bigger red flat rash (with edges reminding those of a scallop) and several similar-looking but smaller parches, called "satellite lesions." These rashes may be painful and itchy.
- When immune system is weakened, candidal infections can penetrate into different internal organs and affect them, causing dysfunctions and pain of the affected organ.
- In case of Candida spreading into the bloodstream, the disease may be proceeding with or without fever. In case the infection reaches the brain, it can cause severe distortion of behavior and mental function.
Causes of Yeast Infection
One of the most common causes of yeast infection in women is vaginal itching, burning and discharge. These bacteria, found in the vagina of most women, can start growing and result in an infection due to changes in the balance in the vagina's environment. The other most common reason for yeast overgrowth is antibiotics and steroids, though such conditions as pregnancy, menstruation, and diabetes, as well as sperm and birth control pills, may also contribute to getting Candidiasis. Women after menopause are more subject to getting yeast infection.Candidal infection in people with immune system, weakened in the result of steroids, cancer treatments or such as diseases as AIDS, can spread throughout the body and be life-threatening. In this case the most commonly affected organs are brain, blood, kidney, heart and eye, with liver, spleen and lungs being less commonly affected by the infection. In people with AIDS the overgrowth of these bacteria is also the main cause of esophagitis (a variety of throat inflammation).
Subject to developing a systemic disease caused by Candida bacteria are about 15 percent of people with weakened immune systems. The infection may penetrate deeper into the body, entering the bloodstream through cuts in mucous membranes or skin, and breakdowns. The frequent use and abuse of strong antibiotics kill the useful bacteria that fight Candida and keep its growth under control.
Another gateway, allowing the access of the yeast deeper into the body, is such devices implanted in the skin as ports or urinary catheters. The yeast may also be injected directly into deeper tissues or bloodstream by drug edicts, when using dirty needles.

Yeast infections affect different parts of the body in different ways:
- Thrush is a yeast infection that causes white patches in your mouth
- Esophagitis is thrush that spreads to your esophagus, the tube that takes food from your mouth to your stomach. Esophagitis can make it hard or painful to swallow
- Women can get vaginal yeast infections, causing itchiness, pain and discharge
- Yeast infections of the skin cause itching and rashes
- Yeast infections in your bloodstream can be life-threatening
Male Yeast Infection
Due to the lack of symptoms of yeast infection that are so apparent in women (like the vaginal infection that is like an alarm signaling that something's amiss), male yeast infection is mostly overlooked and misunderstood. The difference in physiological built of men make the disease hard to detect, and they can go through life without any slightest idea they have fungal infection or candida. This situation persists until the infection brings to more complicated health problems.The most common causes of male yeast infection are antibiotics, corn products, wheat products, peanuts, beer, alcohol, sex, barley, weakened immune system. Besides antibiotics that kill the useful bacteria when used too often and in high dozes, the other mentioned causes produce overacidity in the intestine that kills useful bacteria, thus weakening the immune system and contributing to the overgrowth of candida.
Female Yeast Infection
The common type of fungus, causing female yeast infection, is Candida albicans. These bacteria are commonly present in mouth, digestive tract, vagina and on the skin in small amounts, and if not stimulated, causes no diseases. These bacteria grow into an infection, when the normal balance of acid is broken. Though being pretty uncomfortable, this condition, called a yeast infection, is not serious.
Female yeast infection is more common during pregnancy than any other time in a woman's life, especially during the second trimester of pregnancy. You may be noticing an increase in the amount of thin, white, odd smelling discharge. This is common and a normal symptom in the second trimester.
How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection?
How to get rid of yeast infection? As a rule, superficial candidal infections can be treated easily at home. An OTC (over-the-counter) treatment for candidiasis or a prescription medication can help to clear it within a few days. But in case the immune system is weakened by some other disease, a doctor should be consulted prior to attempting any kind of yeast infection treatment, since otherwise you risk worsening the infection. Particular care should be taken in case of pregnancy: consult your doctor prior to starting any yeast infection treatment.The broad array of yeast infection treatment options available today include creams, vaginal suppositories, pills, lotions, troches (lozenges). Before opting for a particular one, consult your doctor to choose the option that will work for you just right.

Pregnant women who take high doses of the prescription yeast infection medication may be at increased risk of having babies with birth defects. Women who take this kind of drugs during pregnancy should be informed of the potential risks to the fetus, and women who are or become pregnant while taking the drug should notify their health care providers and try to find a natural yeast infection treatment.
Natural Treatment for Candidiasis
How to get rid of yeast infection without side effects of prescription medications? The best way to battle recurrent nature of yeast infection is natural treatment for candidiasis.Preliminary lab studies have found that natural yeast infection treatment can block the growth of Candida albicans and stop both male yeast infection and female yeast infection. A number of clinical trials support these finding too.
How to get rid of yeast infection? We can recommend the best natural treatment for candidiasis and yeast infection:
- Biogetica MYCOFormula — 96 pts.
- Candidol — 91 pts.

Guarantee: 90 Day. If you have not seen the results you were expecting or are not satisfied in any way, send then back your empty or partially used containers.
Biogetica MYCOFormula Ingredients: Baptista Tinctoria, Borax, Candida Albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Echinacea Augustifolia, Kreosotum, Mercurius Cyanatis, Mercurius sulphuratus ruber, Nitricum acidum, Pyrogenium, Sulphuricum acidum, Thuja occidentalis.
Suggested Use: Adults and children over 12: Spray twice under tongue up to three times a day. Children under 12: consult a doctor before use.
Why #1? Biogetica MYCOFormula is a homeopathic product that works like nothing else on the market today for both Male Yeast Infection and Female Yeast Infection.
Order Biogetica MYCOFormula

Candidol Guarantee: Return authorization (RMA) must be requested after 30 but before 60 days from date of purchase.
Candidol Ingredients: Abies nigra, Antimonium crudum, Asafoetida, Baptisia tinctoria, Borax, Candida albicans, Lachesis mutus, Phosphoricum acidum, Phytolacca decandra, Pulsatilla, Sticta pulmonaria, Sulphur, Thuja occidentalis.
Suggested Use: You can add liquid Candidol to a glass (ceramic, glass or plastic) of purified water, or dispense directly into your mouth.
Why not #1? Money back guarantee is designed for a single user for up to 60 days use of product. Therefore, only two (2) bottles/packages of a product can be opened to be eligible for a refund.
Order Candidol
How to Prevent Yeast Infection?
While you can't absolutely prevent a yeast infection, you can reduce your risks. Use these tips to find out how to prevent yeast infections and get rid of the itching, burning, and other discomforts associated with yeast infections:- Wear cotton underclothing or panties with a cotton panel at the crotch.
- Avoid wearing tight pants and shorts, thus you keep cool, dry, and "airy."
- Avoid wearing nylon tights or artificial leotards each day.
- Change clothes from wet after exercising or swimming as soon as you'll be able to, because a humid place is a perfect surroundings for a yeast infection to grow.
- Do not use douches, scented powders, scented tampons, and female toiletry sprays. They contain chemicals and perfumes that upset the natural balance of "good" microorganism and different micro-organisms within the epithelial duct.
- Wipe from front to back once using the toilet to avoid spreading microorganism from the arse to the vagina.
- If you have got diabetes, control your blood glucose levels to scale back your risk of yeast infections. Yeast infections and diabetes are connected.
- Consumption of yoghurt that contains live cultures of eubacteria acidophilus, a natural, "friendly" microorganism, could help stop yeast infections.
- If you have got vaginal yeast infections when taking antibiotics, speak with your doctor regarding preventive antifungal medical care at the beginning and finish of your antibiotics.
- Finally, attempt to eat a healthy diet and manage stress. Even though it is not confirmed by medical analysis, some ladies say that an excessive amount of sugar, beer, and stress will trigger their yeast infections.
How to Get Rid of Candidiasis?
How to get rid of yeast infection? We recommend the best natural products for candidiasis treatment:- #1 Biogetica MYCOFormula, 97 points out of 100. Order Biogetica MYCOFormula
- #2 Candidol, 91 points out of 100. Order Candidol