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How to Boost Energy Before Workouts? Best Supplements for High-Intensity Interval Training

How to Boost Energy Before Workouts?Athelets and bodybuilders are always interested to find the most reliable and powerful solution to boost their overall strength and learn how to boost energy before workouts. Routine workout not just improves your physical health; rather at the same time it can enhance the emotional and mental well-being as well.

Fitness experts recommend strength training for improved pumping efficiency, better performance of the nervous system and increased metabolism. Healthy fitness routines work like the best medicine for overall health and well-being.

However, in addition to old-fashioned low-intensity strength training, experts often recommend high-intensity interval training as a completely new approach to muscle building.

What is high-intensity interval training?

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT in short, is known as the top fitness trend in the years 2019-2020. It is one of the most effective training styles that contribute to a variety of health effects.

What is high-intensity interval training?

According to

High-intensity interval training, as the name indicates, is a training system that varies between the low and high-intensity workout. The main idea behind high intensity interval training is to expose your body to considerably high stress for a short duration of time so that it undergoes essential adjustments. In most cases, it can be the maximization of endurance and oxygen absorption capacity.
The body responds to it like no other type of workout, with adaptations happening in muscles such as your core, abdominal, hamstrings, quadriceps, and even your arms and legs.

The best part is that HIIT doesn't cause any side effects on your metabolism levels. Furthermore, the heart rate gets balanced during the recovery period allowed between these workouts. This training can help you to restore your aerobic energy system with ease.

Benefits of high-intensity interval training

Benefits of high-intensity interval training

According to

High-intensity interval training is a specific workout routine that alternates between fixed periods of intense activity and low activity. The basic example can be running with your maximum efficiency for two minutes and then slowing down or resting for 4 minutes. It sounds too simple to be effective, but science confirms numerous benefits of high intensity interval training.
Some of you might be curious to know the health benefits of high-intensity interval training workout routines. Well, they are many in numbers; however, few of them are listed below to update your knowledge base:
  1. Super-Efficient

    Experts recommend it best workout routine for those who spend super-busy work hours every day. It can help you achieve the desired progress in just 15 minutes. It means you can squeeze your high-intensity interval training into your lunch break as well.

    As per a study conducted at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting in the year 2011, performing HIIT workout for only two weeks can provide you results equivalent to the endurance training performed for almost 6 to 8 weeks.

  2. Burn more fat

    It is not just about burning calories; high-intensity interval training routines also promote a repair cycle in your body to improve your overall fitness levels. With this, you can burn more fats in lesser time and results are more sustainable as compared to any other fitness training.

    If you want to get rid of excessive fat deposited in your body, HIIT can help you get into shape fast.

  3. Build a healthier heart

    High-intensity interval training is recommended to all those who are suffering from some issues related to heart health. It works by improving the oxygen absorption capacity of your body so that your heart can enjoy a healthy pumping cycle.

    Experts rate it as one of the most effective cardio training methods that promise long term benefits. It is much better than traditional methods of endurance training. The most amazing part is that it doesn't pose any stress on your metabolism levels.

  4. No Necessary Equipment

    There is no specific equipment that you may need to perform high intensity interval training routines. It includes a list of some basic activities that a person can perform anywhere at any time. You can try biking, running, rope jumping, or many other similar activities that can be done without any special gym arrangement. Fast feet, high knees or jumping; anything can raise your heart rate. And then you need to add specific breaks for rest to make it an interval training.

  5. Preserve muscles

    All those who have already tried fitness training techniques might be aware of the fact that it is usually quite difficult to maintain muscle strength while losing fat. Usually, steady-state cardio exercises lead to muscle loss.

    But nothing like that happens with high-intensity interval training. It helps you preserve your hard-earned muscles while contributing to weight loss.

  6. Improve metabolism

    While promoting fat loss, high-intensity interval training also assists in stimulating the production of human growth hormone. Stats reveal that with high-intensity workouts, the HGH can grow by almost 450% in just 24 hours of your workout.
Note that, HIIT does not just increase the calorie-burning process; rather, at the same time, it also reduces the aging process. With high-intensity interval training, you may feel younger and healthier all the time.

How to boost energy before workouts?

There is no doubt to say that high-intensity interval training support extreme fitness levels but in order to avail peak results one needs to follow healthy routines. Studies reveal that if high-intensity interval training is not supported by essential nutrients, it may cause muscle loss.

Essential nutrients for high-intensity interval training

According to ISSA:

How to boost energy before workouts?

It is better to focus on what you consume during your training days. It is not about taking a full meal before going for your workout session; but yes, you need something to boost your energy levels. It is better known as pre-workout fuelling and the process keeps you active during the workout session.


In order to maintain your energy levels during high intensity interval training and to boost energy before workouts, you should start with carbs. The idea is to combine two types of carbs: simple carbs and complex carbs. The perfect combination of these two can help you to sustain during the entire workout session.

Before you go any further, you should tell your coach and you should carefully create a detailed nutrition plan with those carbs but at the same time give preference to complex carbs.


Other than this, you need to focus on proteins to improve your nutrient intake for intense workouts. Make sure you consume proteins that are easy to digest and may not make your stomach upset. Ideally, you will be able to take in a balanced diet with protein from different sources, including meat, but consuming plenty of plant-based protein is also a good idea.

Some of the best examples of diet that can be followed before high-intensity interval training are pita bread, oats with dried fruits, whole-grain toast, Greek yogurt with berries, sliced banana with rice cake and apple with a hard-boiled egg.

Rest time

While talking about Pre-HIIT routines, we cannot forget to talk about the importance of rest. Rest is crucial for your recovery! On one side you need to stay well hydrated for your workout session; at the same time, it is important to have some relaxing time before you start training.

Give your body enough time to get ready for the session. Moreover, you are practicing interval training, so it is better to care about the intermediate rest schedules as well. You can check some tutorials online or ask an experienced fitness trainer about the intermediate slowdowns or rests.

Best supplements for high-intensity interval training

supplements for high-intensity interval training

According to

The fitness experts have also proposed some potential supplements for high-intensity interval training, and they promise increased performance in the long run. When you are interested to improve physical fitness levels to a great extent, it is better to combine high-intensity interval training with some trusted supplements.
Many of these supplements are based on plants and herbs. How to boost energy before workouts using these supplements?

We are now ready to provide you with the complete guide of nutritional supplements that can contribute to an increased performance during high intensity interval training and boost the capacity of your body to the highest:
  1. Creatine

    Creatine is basically a naturally occurring substance in the liver and kidneys. However, the amount that the body produces in routine is not enough to build higher strength in your body.

    When you want to achieve peak performance, it is better to get some extra intake of creatine via supplements. This supplement can help you achieve increased energy levels with enhanced glycogen storage and better hypertrophy. Experts recommend almost 5 grams of creatine per day with carbohydrates.

    Many studies have demonstrated an increased endurance performance in high-intensity interval training when taking creatine with carbohydrates.

  2. Caffeine

    Caffeine is an essential stimulant present in the central nervous system that contributes to increased concentration and alertness. Many studies also reveal that caffeine has the ability to save glycogen in the human body.

    It means the body will start using stored fats to power up physical activities instead of the stored carbohydrates. It leads to positive endurance with higher energy levels. With Caffeine supplements, your body will never run out of carbohydrates.

    Caffeine could help in muscle recovery, increased endurance, and strength. Even though several studies indicate that coffee, tea and energy drinks have an impact on cardiovascular health, it is important to note that each substance has different effects. That's why it's a good idea to choose caffeine in supplements that will not cause side effects and adverse reactions.

  3. L-Carnitine

    L-carnitine is a widely known amino acid that assists in the fat-burning process. However, it also provides incredible results for higher performance and fast recovery from high-intensity interval training. It also acts as an anti-oxidant (serving as a natural antioxidant) and can be used for inflammation.

    Many studies reveal that L-Carnitine promises enhanced storage of glycogen within muscles and at the same time, it improves ATP production. You can also experience higher strength levels with delaying fatigue.

    If we talk about the recovery during intense workouts, L-carnitine works by reducing the free radical production and hence contributes to decay of muscle tissue damage. It can help you ensure fast recovery from soreness caused by intense exercises.

  4. L-Arginine

    Here is another potential amino acid that helps your body to execute ammonia detoxification. At the same time, this component is responsible for nourishing the immune system, powerup DNA synthesis and improve the performance of your entire body. L-Arginine is also responsible for promoting muscle growth by maintaining an efficient flow of blood inside your body. This supplement works more effectively when used with HIIT workout routines. You can ensure long term returns for your endurance training exercises.

    In other words, L-Arginine helps your body form new muscles and recover from muscle damage quickly and efficiently. It's also helpful for protecting your brain from damage during sleep, and promoting performance during intense physical activity.


In this article we tried to provide enough details about the importance and benefits of high-intensity interval training, how to boost energy before workouts and how to improve performance with the best supplements for high-intensity interval training!

It is the right time to start with your healthy fitness routines to achieve your dream body shape as soon as possible!

Best Supplements for Workout Intensity


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