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Premature Ejaculation Treatment Methods. Home Remedies vs. Premature Ejaculation Pills
Premature Ejaculation

The male partner in the sexual activity may like to delay the ejaculation of semen to prolong the duration of the erection. It helps to extend the sexual act and maximize pleasure. However, the problem occurs when you cannot delay the orgasm till the time you want.
The problem may also cause you to ejaculate or lose the erection too early or rapidly. If you cannot hold on to the erection for long or happen to ejaculate very prematurely in the act, the condition is called premature ejaculation. It indicates a problem in the male reproductive organ and sexual health. Early ejaculation impacts relationships by denying pleasure and making the sexual act less enjoyable.
What is Premature Ejaculation?
Premature ejaculation definition is very vague. It can mean ejaculating before intercourse, and also at the very beginning of intercourse. And sometimes premature ejaculation is defined even as finishing earlier than your partner!
Remember how many times you wanted to make your intercourse longer. It is a common problem for many people. 30% of men are proved by the National Health and Social Life Survey to ejaculate early. Uncontrolled and fast ejaculation isn't a disorder, but merely a sex-related problem that should be fixed using premature ejaculation pills.
Are Premature Ejaculation And Erectile Dysfunction Connected?
Premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction are often seen as a pair of problems occurring in men. It is often seen that men with erectile dysfunction may lose their erection prematurely if they can achieve it sometimes. As you lose your ability to maintain an erection for a desired period of time and delay the ejaculation, you may find yourself slowly unable to achieve an erection altogether.On the other hand, premature ejaculation, if not treated, can lead to erectile dysfunction, male infertility, and other sexual problems.

According to National Institutes of Health:
There may be untreated biological causes of premature ejaculation leading to a person losing the ability to achieve an erection. However, the reason may be psychological, too. If you cannot achieve an erection and maintain it for long, you may suffer from performance anxiety that further worsens the problem.
Is Premature Ejaculation Curable?
Yes, fortunately, premature ejaculation is curable through various methods of diagnosis. The causes of premature ejaculation can be both biological and psychological. Depending on the cause, you can apply several forms of treatment to address the issue.While the reason may be the effect of certain medications, diabetes, obesity, and other health issues, it can also stem from depression, stress, and trauma.
How to Cure Premature Ejaculation?
Males can cure premature ejaculation by practicing to control the ejection of semen through exercises or by consuming a nutritious diet and dietary supplements. But it is necessary to address the problem early and find the cause behind the issue.Treatment Options

According to Medscape:
A healthcare provider may try to determine the reason by inquiring about the person's sexual history, frequency of sexual activity, addiction to unhealthy food and lifestyle, level of stress, mental health, physiological conditions, masturbation routine, etc.
Premature Ejaculation Treatment Methods
There are different premature ejaculation treatment methods. You won't have to think about unsexy things during the intercourse in order to try making it a little longer; all it gives you is a less intensive orgasm. And you won't have to take expensive and unsafe prescribed medication. These "tricks" are completely unnecessary. Just try and follow these easy steps.How to prevent premature ejaculation?
If you know how to start and how to stop, you'll get a power to prevent premature ejaculation. It means that you can hold back from the orgasm when you feel its imminence. Do it first while masturbating and later with your partner. You have to be able to feel the start by a tingling feeling. Relax for a while and feel how the sensation subsides. After that, resume stimulation and see if you can do it for a couple more times. Then let yourself go.It is not as easy as it may seem. Your erection may get weaker; there is nothing unusual in it. Go on and your organ will get firmer. When you start this premature ejaculation treatment method with your partner, use these little breaks for kissing or adjusting your pose.
Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation
While drugs can help control premature ejaculation, it is also curable at home if it is not too late. A person can take care of problems like premature ejaculation through exercises that help control the ejection of semen or strengthen the muscles.
According to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
A nutritious diet containing the vitamins and minerals needed to fortify the sexual health and reproductive organs in a male body can also improve the problem.
Alternatively, you can cure psychological issues leading to premature ejaculation or lack of ejaculation by relaxing yourself for a few days. Try to improve the lifestyle by increasing exercise, losing weight, and cutting down on unhealthy habits. You must also control your stress and find a way to tackle depression to cure premature ejaculation at home.
Dietary Supplements for Premature Ejaculation Treatment
Your natural diet often lacks the right nutrients needed by the body to make the sexual organs function normally. A lack of certain minerals in the diet can affect your sexual health and cause erectile problems and premature ejaculation.It is necessary to have dietary supplements containing major minerals like zinc, magnesium, and calcium to restore such nutrients in the body and cure sexual problems. These nutrients work wonders for male reproductive health and can cure premature ejaculation naturally.
Nutrients for male health

According to
Zinc is a mineral that plays a significant role in male fertility. The semen of males with fertility problems shows low amounts of zinc. It helps to cure sexual dysfunction by restoring the normal levels of testosterone in the body. It improves your sexual health in general.
Practice Improves Premature Ejaculation
Lack of frequent sexual activity can be a cause for premature ejaculation. Practice can make you better your performance, and it is necessary to keep trying to strengthen the muscles. You can either engage in regular sexual activity with your partner or masturbate to better your performance.Another way to enhance your sexual well health and cure premature ejaculation is to exercise. Overall bodily exercise can promote your health, blood circulation and cure your sexual problems by improving your physiological and psychological health.
Pause and squeeze or start and stop techniques
One way to cure premature ejaculation is to control the climax by pausing and squeezing the muscles. When you are ready to ejaculate, stop your arousal, and control the ejaculation with all your muscle strength. You can also completely stop the sexual activity to draw out the pleasure, delay the climax and lose the urge to ejaculate. Repeat this process as an exercise. Eventually, this will help you to delay the ejaculation naturally every time you want.Kegel exercises
Another way to delay your climax by having better control over your penile muscles is to practice Kegel's exercise. It will help you to manage your ejaculation. Stop urinating mid-stream, tightening the muscles that help you control it. Repeat this frequently to strengthen them. You can also contract the pelvic muscles for 2-3 seconds while lying down and release them for another 3 seconds. Repeating this every day can be an excellent exercise for ejaculation problems.Topical Creams And Sprays
You can also try using topical creams and sprays for temporary relief to the problem. Many males find success in using such topical ointments to improve the functioning of the muscles. Over-the-counter anesthetic creams and sprays numb the sensation in the male organ to delay the climax and temporarily treat the problem.
According to
Apply the spray or the cream nearly 15 minutes before the sexual activity to find the best results. It helps to increase the time for ejaculation. Lidocaine spray is one such popular, topical ointment that numbs the sensation in the penis, decreasing the sensitivity. It is best to wash the penis just before sex if you have used the cream or spray.
Food for Premature Ejaculation
While it is necessary to take dietary supplements at times to restore the nutrients lacking in your body, you should also have a healthy diet. Eat foods that are rich in zinc, calcium, and magnesium to improve your overall reproductive health. It provides a cure to your premature ejaculation by helping you delay the climax and maintain the erection as long as you want.Healthy food choices for men
Incorporate foods like soybeans, yogurt, spinach, lamb, garlic, ginger, asparagus, omega-3 fatty acids-rich fish, oysters, whole grains, sesame seeds, peas, chickpeas, and kidney beans in your everyday diet.Milk and milk products help to provide you with the right amount of calcium. At the same time, the other substances have the recommended amounts of zinc, magnesium, and selenium to impact your reproductive health. Herbs like garlic and vegetables like asparagus have properties to cure premature ejaculation and help you elongate the duration of intercourse. It also helps to strengthen the muscles to control the erection.
Premature Ejaculation Exercises
We have talked about this method before but now let's provide more details about premature ejaculation exercises. They are used to reinforce pubococcygeus muscles (PC muscles) work. If you stop the process of urination in the mid-course, you'll feel the PC muscles.
According to
Constrain these muscles, stop for five second and then relax them. That is what premature ejaculation exercise mean. Do it around ten times until you feel some exhaustion. Gradually raise the repetition numbers, and try to do it 3 times each day. You will not get positive effects rapidly, at least not for 3 to 4 weeks.
Premature Ejaculation Pills
Herbal premature ejaculation pills, coming from a reputable producer, are also of great help. They successfully treat premature ejaculation allowing for firmer and longer erections. Who does not want this?More importantly, herbal premature ejaculation pills increase your stamina at the same time increasing your orgasm power. It can sound incredible but these premature ejaculation pills really work. They include accurately selected blend of natural sexual enhancers like herbs, vitamins, minerals and have no side effects.
So, what's more effective: herbal premature ejaculation pills, start-and-stop technique, healthy diet, or premature ejaculation exercises? The obvious answer is to incorporate all these premature ejaculation treatment methods! Based on the recent surveys people can avoid ejaculation problem in a minimum of 95% situations.Featured Premature Ejaculation Pills
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