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How to Recover Muscles and Reduce Muscle Pain After Workout? Natural Muscle Recovery.

How to Recover Muscles and Reduce Muscle Pain After Workout?Muscles will hurt after workouts, but there are things that you can do that will help ease this pain. You want to be able to quickly recover from your pain and get back to your everyday life as soon as possible.

You don't want to skip workouts due to the pain. The goal of this article is to let you know everything that you need to about muscle recovery and tips on how to reduce muscle pain after a workout.

Read our guideline and find out how to recover muscles after workouts:

Muscle Pain after Workout

Before we start, let's find out what muscle pain is and how and why it appears.

Muscle Pain after Workout

According to

There is a technical term used to describe the pain after a workout: Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness or "DOMS". This pain will typically peak between 48 and 72 hours, when your body begins to repair the tissue that was damaged during the exercise.
Muscle pain can vary depending on a variety of factors including hydration and genetics. You can cause this pain by doing a workout that you're not used to doing or doing an activity for longer than you are used to.

Sometimes you can get carried away. Sometimes you have a new trainer that changes things up. These are things that are out of your control. However, there are things that you can do that will help you regain control over this pain and help prevent extreme soreness in the future.

Causes of Muscle Pain

There are a few different causes of muscle pain after working out, including:
  • Doing an activity that you're not used to such as running a long distance, especially if you're only used to jogging a short distance.
  • Doing exercises that lengthen your muscles, such as the arm extension during a bicep curl or walking downstairs.
  • Increased your workout intensity or the length of your workout.
Causes of Muscle Pain

According to

The initial changes in your routine can generally lead to small injuries in your connective tissue and muscle fibers. As you continue to do these activities, your body will get used to the exercise and will notice less soreness after this. This is because you have strengthened the muscle and connective tissue through a routine of exercise.

How to Reduce Muscle Pain

How to recover muscles after workouts? Is there an ideal solution to treat sore muscles? No. However, there are a lot of things that you can do that will help you reduce this pain. In this section, you will learn some great things to help you reduce this delayed onset muscle soreness.
  1. Movements


    Even if you are sore, just doing some light movements can make a huge difference in how you feel. It may be tempting to sit around to recover, but that could actually be terrible for you. You need to get up and do something, even just walking around, because this will increase your blood circulation and help your recovery.
    Increased circulation means that you your muscles are getting the blood flow and nutrients that your muscles need to speed up the muscle's repair process. This doesn't mean that you need to do your regular exercise routine if you aren't feeling well. The movements should be light because you don't want to do further damage as your body tries to repair itself.

  2. Proper Hydration

    Proper Hydration

    There is a direct correlation between your muscle soreness and your hydration. Since there have been studies that show dehydration will increase the soreness you feel, that means that being better hydrated will minimize your soreness. One theory about this is that the water flushes out toxins in your body.
    As your muscles break down from exercise, they will release toxins and waste that need to be filtered out of the body otherwise you will notice an increase in soreness.

  3. Stretching


    Light stretching, with the emphasis on the "light", can be incredibly beneficial for you. By lightly stretching, you can increase your range of motion as well as release any tightness that you may have. This may not help to heal those tiny tears in your muscle and tissue, but this can help prevent tightness that may occur from not using these muscles.
    You still have to be careful because if you stretch too much, you could potentially cause even more damage to your body. If stretching is too painful, you don't want to push it.

  4. Protein Consumption

    Protein Consumption

    Protein is a nutrient that is critical for building and maintaining your muscles. Eating the right amount of protein can help prevent muscle pain after workouts.
    It's not just about eating protein, but it's also about when you are eating the protein. This is why things like protein shakes, protein powder, and protein bars are great to have after your workout to recover.

  5. Ice and Heat

    Ice and Heat

    For temporary relief, using heat or ice can be the perfect solution. There is still a lot of debate as to what is better for injuries, but you should stick to something that makes you feel better.
    Ice is great because it can reduce any swelling that you may have. This will temporarily ease a lot of the pain and tension you are feeling. Heat can help improve circulation and ease the tension in the muscles. In either case, you can help the heat or ice therapy by elevating the injured area.

  6. Medicine

    You can take medicines like naproxen or ibuprofen or natural supplements for muscle recovery to help temporarily relieve the pain as well as to help reduce the inflammation.

  7. Massage

    Self-massage or a recovery massage can be great options to loosen up those tight muscles. You can read more about this in a later section.

  8. Time

    Most of all, you can count on time to help heal all wounds. If rest doesn't help, then you may want to consider seeing a doctor. There could be something more serious wrong with you than just the usual post-workout recovery pain.
"Resting your muscles is critical to gaining more muscle endurance as this is how they repair, rebuild and grow."

Muscle Recovery Foods

Muscle Recovery Diet

According to

An option for natural muscle recovery is watching your diet. You can eat certain foods that will help you with the recovery process.
Here, you will learn all about the amazing foods that will help you with your post-workout recovery.
  1. Whole Eggs

    People keep talking about egg whites being the only healthy part of the egg. However, whole eggs are extremely helpful to your recovery due to their high protein content. The nutrients in the yolks help the egg whites to use the proteins more efficiently in the body. Yolks have crucial minerals (such as phosphorus and iron), vitamins, and fats that are great for your body.

  2. Smoked Salmon

    What makes food like salmon, mackerel, and sardines so great for you are that they have a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. There has been some research that shows that shows these items can reduce a lot of the exercise-induced damage to the tissues that cause inflammation. These products can also help to increase the muscle protein synthesis.

  3. Ricotta Cheese

    Dairy protein can help improve the process for building muscle in the body. Products like ricotta cheese are able to stimulate the protein synthesis process. This is because of the amino acids that are found in dairy products.

  4. Cottage Cheese

    Cottage cheese has enough protein and leucine in order to optimize your body's ability to build and maintain muscles if you consume it after a workout. This is an underestimated dairy product that people tend to forget since they constantly hear about the benefits of Greek yogurt.

  5. Tart Cherry Juice

    Tart cherry juice is a product that is full of both anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These are properties that aids the recovery process, especially if you had a particularly intense training session. These are just some of the benefits that you get when you consume tart cherry juice.

  6. Herbal Tea

    In some cases, studies have shown that herbal tea may even be more beneficial in some instances than drinking water. A reason for this could potentially be because herbal teas are very rich in anti-oxidants as well as stimulants that can help your endurance when working out. Yerba tea is an especially great herbal tea option for you.

  7. Sweet Potatoes

    Carbs may not be great for most diets, but they can be excellent for post-workout recovery. These can be great for boosting your immune system too, which can happen after an intense workout.

  8. Whole Grain Bread

    When looking for carbs, you want healthy carbs like those found in whole-grain food items. These grains help your body replenish the muscles after a workout. You don't have to make an overcomplicated meal; a simple egg salad sandwich with quality whole-grain slices of bread.

  9. Quinoa

    You know how important protein is, but some people are on special diets that limit their choices. This is why quinoa can be an excellent choice for you. Quinoa has a lot of protein and fiber, which makes it a great item to add into your diet.

  10. Nuts and Seeds

    Nuts and seeds have essential omega-3 fatty acids, which can fight inflammation as well as protein for muscle growth and muscle synthesis. What you may not know is that nuts offer electrolytes to help improve hydration.

  11. Spinach

    Spinach has long been a superfood for a lot of reasons. It is rich in anti-oxidants that helps you quickly recover after a workout. It is also rich in nitrates, which strengthens your muscles so you can handle more strenuous workouts. There are so many great things about spinach that this is a must to add into your diet.

Muscle Recovery Massage

Muscle Recovery Massage

According to

Muscle recovery massages are incredibly good for a body. Deep tissue massages can be especially great, offering a great deal of benefits.
When you get a deep tissue massage after a workout, it can actually help your body recover faster. This massage will put a lot of pressure into your muscles and deep tissues. This will break up scar tissues, relieve muscle tension, and relieve those built-up knots that can cause a lot of pain. These are also all reasons why massage can help with your recovery.

Muscle Recovery Exercises

Earlier, this article mentioned that doing light activity is essential for recovery and pain reduction. There are various muscle recovery exercises for you to consider.
  1. Yoga

    Yoga is great for so many reasons. For one thing, it helps to stretch and strengthen your muscles. It also helps to increase blood flow and circulation in your body.

  2. Tai Chi

    Tai chi is a low impact martial art that can offer many of the same benefits as yoga. The movements in tai chi helps to relieve stress in your body.

  3. Light Resistance Training

    The word "light" is key here. Light training can give you a less stressful way to work those muscles, increasing your endurance and reducing your recovery time.

  4. Swimming

    Swimming is an amazing option because it's a great workout that doesn't put a lot of stress on your body. You will still get a workout, but there is little impact that will get in your way of healing.

Muscle Recovery Vitamins

Muscle Recovery Vitamins

According to

There are several vitamins and nutrients that will help speed up the recovery process as well as reduce your pain.
Here is a look at some of the vitamins that you need to look for to reduce muscle soreness and recover your muscles quicker:
  1. Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant that helps reduce the free radical damage that can be caused by the exercise and physical activity. Vitamin E - rich foods can assist in restoring glycogen to your muscles, which will then reduce your soreness.

  2. Vitamin C

    This vitamin is essential in collagen production, which helps repair any damage caused by ligaments and tendons.

  3. Potassium

    Potassium is very much like an electrolyte, which is essential in balancing the fluids in your body. This is important to consume after a workout.

Supplements for Muscle Recovery

Muscle Recovery Supplements

According to clinical studies:

There are supplements that you can consume that help speed up the recovery process. How to recover muscles with these supplements? That's simple, these supplements help increase your intake of certain vitamins, minerals and amino acids that result in a better recovery process.
You can also find specialized supplements for natural muscle recovery. These products are formulated to increase your testosterone levels naturally, as well as an increase in important nutrients like magnesium, vitamins D/B6/K1, and zinc. By taking this product as recommended, you will notice an increase in your endurance and a reduction in your muscle soreness.


Muscle soreness is inevitable when you start your exercising routine. However, with proper diet, plenty of rest, and a good routine of exercises, you can reduce your pains and improve your recovery process.

Best Supplements for Muscle Recovery


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